Software ======== Environments ------------ The default software environment on Bede is called “builder”. This uses the modules system normally used on HPC systems, but provides a system of intelligent modules. To see a list of what is available, executing the command ``module avail``. In this scheme, modules providing access to compilers and libraries examine other modules that are also loaded and make the most appropriate copy (or “flavour”) of the software available. This minimises the problem of knowing what modules to choose whilst providing access to all the combinations of how a library can be built. For example, the following command gives you access to a copy of FFTW 3.3.8 that has been built against GCC 8.4.0: :: $ module load gcc/8.4.0 fftw/3.3.8 $ which fftw-wisdom /opt/software/builder/developers/libraries/fftw/3.3.8/1/gcc-8.4.0/bin/fftw-wisdom If you then load an MPI library, your environment will be automatically updated to point at a copy of FFTW 3.3.8 that has been built against GCC 8.4.0 and OpenMPI 4.0.5: :: $ module load openmpi/4.0.5 $ which fftw-wisdom /opt/software/builder/developers/libraries/fftw/3.3.8/1/gcc-8.4.0-openmpi-4.0.5/bin/fftw-wisdom Similarly, if you then load CUDA, the MPI library will be replaced by one built against it: :: $ which mpirun /opt/software/builder/developers/libraries/openmpi/4.0.5/1/gcc-8.4.0/bin/mpirun $ module load cuda/10.2.89 $ which mpirun /opt/software/builder/developers/libraries/openmpi/4.0.5/1/gcc-8.4.0-cuda-10.2.89/bin/mpirun Modules follow certain conventions: - Logs of software builds can be found under ``/opt/software/builder/logs/``. - Installation recipes for modules can be found under directory ``/home/builder/builder/``. - Although modules do their best to configure your environment so that you can use the software, it is sometimes useful to know where the software is installed on disk. This is provided by the ``_HOME`` environment variable, e.g. if the ``gcc/8.4.0`` module is loaded, environment variable ``GCC_HOME`` points to the directory containing its files. - Software provided by modules sometimes use other modules for their functionality. It is not normally required to explicitly load these prerequisites but it can be useful, for example to mirror R's buld environment when installing an R library. Where this occurs, a list of modules is provided by the ``_BUILD_MODULES`` environment variable, e.g. the ``r`` module sets environment variable ``R_BUILD_MODULES``. Software can be built on top of these modules in the following ways: - Traditional - loading appropriate modules, manually unpacking, configuring, building and installing the new software (e.g. ``./configure; make; make install``) - `Spack `__ - automated method of installing software. Spack will automatically find the multiple flavours (or variants, in spack-speak) of libraries provided by builder, minimising the number of packages needing to be built. With Builder and Spack, the opportunity arises for a project to inherit and supplement software, and for users to then inherit and supplement that in turn. In this way, the centre can concentrate on providing core software of general use and allow projects and users to concentrate on specialist software elements that support their work. In addition, there are two other types of software environment on Bede, which are not currently recommended: - The vendor-supplied set of modules that originally came with the machine. To use these, execute: ``echo ocf > ~/.application_environment`` and then login again. - Easybuild - an automated method of installing software, rival to Spack. To use this, execute: ``echo builder > ~/.application_environment`` and then login again. In both cases, executing ``rm ~/.application_environment`` and login again will return you to the default software environment. Spack ~~~~~ Spack can be used to extend the installed software on the system, without requiring specialist knowledge on how to build particular pieces of software. Documentation for the project is here: To install spack, execute the following and then login again: :: $ git clone $HOME/spack $ echo 'export SPACK_ROOT=$HOME/spack' >> ~/.bash_profile $ echo 'source $SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/' >> ~/.bash_profile Example usage, installing an MPI aware, GPU version of gromacs and than loading it into your environment to use (once built, execute ``spack load gromacs`` before using): :: $ spack install gromacs +mpi +cuda Other useful spack commands: \* ``spack find`` - show what packages have been installed \* ``spack list`` - show what packages spack knows how to build \* ``spack compilers`` - show what compilers spack can use \* ``spack info `` - details about a package, and the different ways it can be built \* ``spack spec `` - what pieces of software a package depends on If a project wishes to create a spack installation, for example under ``/projects//spack`` and you would like an easy way for your users to add it to their environment, please contact us and we can make a module. If you are a user who wishes to supplement your project’s spack installation, follow the installation instructions above and then tell it where your project’s copy of spack is: :: cat > $SPACK_ROOT/etc/spack/upstreams.yaml </spack modules: tcl: /projects//spack/share/spack/modules EOF Easybuild ~~~~~~~~~ Not currently recommended. The central Easybuild modules are available when a user executes the following command and then logs in again: :: echo easybuild > ~/.application_environment A user can create their own Easybuild installation to supplement (or override) the packages provided by the central install by: :: echo 'export EASYBUILD_INSTALLPATH=$HOME/eb' >> ~/.bash_profile echo 'export EASYBUILD_BUILDPATH=/tmp' >> ~/.bash_profile echo 'export EASYBUILD_MODULES_TOOL=Lmod' >> ~/.bash_profile echo 'export EASYBUILD_PARALLEL=8' >> ~/.bash_profile echo 'export MODULEPATH=$HOME/eb/modules/all:$MODULEPATH' >> ~/.bash_profile Login again, and then: :: wget python $EASYBUILD_INSTALLPATH Verify install by checking sensible output from: :: module avail # should show an EasyBuild module under user's home directory module load EasyBuild which eb # should show a path under the user's home directory Software can now be installed into the new Easybuild area using ``eb `` Project Easybuild installations can be created using a similar method. In this case, a central module to add the project’s modules to a user’s environment is helpful, and can be done on request. Compilers --------- All compiler modules set the ``CC``, ``CXX``, ``FC``, ``F90`` environment variables to appropriate values. These are commonly used by tools such as cmake and autoconf, so that by loading a compiler module its compilers are used by default. This can also be done in your own build scripts and make files. e.g. :: module load gcc $CC -o myprog myprog.c GCC ~~~ Note that the default GCC provided by Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (4.8.5) is quite old, will not optimise for the POWER9 processor (either use POWER8 tuning options or use a later compiler), and does not have CUDA/GPU offload support compiled in. The module ``gcc/native`` has been provided to point to this copy of GCC. The copies of GCC available as modules have been compiled with CUDA offload support: :: module load gcc/10.2.0 LLVM ~~~~ LLVM has been provided for use on the system by the ``llvm`` module. It has been built with CUDA GPU offloading support, allowing OpenMP regions to run on a GPU using the ``target`` directive. Note that, as from LLVM 11.0.0, it provides a Fortran compiler called ``flang``. Although this has been compiled and can be used for experimentation, it is still immature and ultimately relies on ``gfortran`` for its code generation. The ``lvm/11.0.0`` module therefore defaults to using the operating system provided ``gfortran``, instead. BLAS/LAPACK ----------- The following numerical libraries provide optimised CPU implementations of BLAS and LAPACK on the system: - ESSL (IBM Engineering and Scientific Subroutine Library) - OpenBLAS The modules for each of these libraries provide some convenience environment variables: ``N8CIR_LINALG_CFLAGS`` contains the compiler arguments to link BLAS and LAPACK to C code; ``N8CIR_LINALG_FFLAGS`` contains the same to link to Fortran. When used with variables such as ``CC``, commands to build software can become entirely independent of what compilers and numerical libraries you have loaded, e.g. :: module load gcc essl/6.2 $CC -o myprog myprog.c $N8CIR_LINALG_CFLAGS MPI --- The main supported MPI on the system is OpenMPI. For access to a cuda-enabled MPI: ``module load gcc cuda openmpi`` We commit to the following convention for all MPIs we provide as modules: - The wrapper to compile C programs is called ``mpicc`` - The wrapper to compile C++ programs is called ``mpicxx`` - The wrapper to compile Fortran programs is called ``mpif90`` HDF5 ---- When loaded in conjunction with an MPI module such as ``openmpi``, the ``hdf5`` module provides both the serial and parallel versions of the library. The parallel functionality relies on a technology called MPI-IO, which is currently subject to the following known issue on Bede: - HDF5 does not pass all of its parallel tests with OpenMPI 4.x. If you are using this MPI and your application continues to run but does not return from a call to the HDF5 library, you may have hit a similar issue. The current workaround is to instruct OpenMPI to use an alternative MPI-IO implementation with the command: ``export OMPI_MCA_io=ompio`` The trade off is that, in some areas, this alternative is extremely slow and so should be used with caution. NetCDF ------ The ``netcdf`` module provides the C, C++ and Fortran bindings for this file format library. When an MPI module is loaded, parallel support is enabled through the PnetCDF and HDF5 libraries. Use of NetCDF's parallel functionality can use HDF5, and so is subject to its known issues on Bede (see above). PyTorch Quickstart ------------------ The following should get you set up with a working conda environment (replacing with your project code): :: rm -rf ~/.conda .condarc export DIR=/nobackup/projects//$USER rm -rf $DIR mkdir $DIR pushd $DIR wget sh -b -p $DIR/miniconda source miniconda/bin/activate conda update conda -y conda config --set channel_priority strict conda config --prepend channels \ conda config --prepend channels \ conda create --name opence pytorch=1.7.1 -y conda activate opence This has some limitations such as not supporting large model support. If you require this you can try the instructions below, these provide an older version of PyTorch however. PyTorch and TensorFlow: IBM PowerAI and Watson Machine Learning Community Edition (wmlce) [Possibly Out of Date] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM have done a lot of work to port common Machine Learning tools to the POWER9 system, and to take advantage of the GPUs abililty to directly access main system memory on the POWER9 architecture using its “Large Model Support”. This has been packaged up into what is variously known as IBM Watson Machine Learning Community Edition (wmlce) or the catchier name PowerAI. Documentation on wmlce can be found here: Installation is via the IBM channel of the anaconda package management tool. **Note: if you do not use this channel you will not find all of the available packages.** First install anaconda (can be quite large - so using the /nobackup area): :: cd /nobackup/projects/ wget sh conda update conda conda config --set channel_priority strict conda config --prepend channels conda create --name wmlce Then login again and install wmlce (GPU version by default - substitute ``powerai-cpu`` for ``powerai`` for the CPU version): :: conda activate wmlce conda install powerai ipython Running ``ipython`` on the login node will then allow you to experiment with this feature using an interactive copy of Python and the GPUs on the login node. Demanding work should be packaged into a job and launched with the ``python`` command. If a single node with 4 GPUs and 512GB RAM isn’t enough, the Distributed Deep Learning feature of PowerAI should allow you to write code that can take advantage of multiple nodes.